Quiet luxury is and has been played out. Sure, there is a time and a place for more demure bags, but there’s also a time to have fun with your bags. Sometimes, it’s nice to have something that’s a bit different and unique.
You know the type of bag—that rare, show-stopping bag you’ve never seen on anyone else, eliciting stares and compliments every time you wear it. We all need a bag like that. Something to carry to lighten the mood and lift your spirits. A conversation starter that will take your outfit to the next level.
If you don’t have one of those bags yet, fear not. These days, designers can’t create a collection without including at least one novelty statement bag. So if you’re looking to turn heads with a bag that’s totally different and outside of the norm, we’ve got you covered with 14 fun finds that are sure to be the star of your outfit.
From embellishments like beading and feathers to cool handles and hardware, the bags below will surely add a fun flair to your rotation.