When it comes to designer bags, one thing is for sure: there will be price increases, and there will be lots of them.
While we think about big brands like Chanel and Hermès when talking about price hikes, the truth is that nearly every major luxury brand increases its prices. The difference in just a handful of years can often be jarring, but I guess that’s to be expected.
After all, higher pricing can be tied to inflation and rising costs of labor and materials. But how, and I mean HOW, can luxury brands justify a 26% increase on a bag in 6 months?
That’s right, while you were planning your fall wardrobe and soaking up the last bits of summer, Bottega Veneta increased prices on the Hop bag once again.
Just Tricks, No Treats
Thought your eyes were playing tricks on you?
Wrong. The Small Hop Bag will now cost a whopping $3,900, up from $3,330 and a 26% increase from its price at the beginning of 2024—$3,100. The Mini Hop went from $2,650 to $3,100, while the large increased from $4,400 to $4,900.
It’s worth noting that an earlier increase in 2024 impacted many of the brand’s bags across the board (follow the Price Increase thread on tPF for the latest), and this jaw-dropping swap only hit the Hop.
While Bottega Veneta has pushed its renewed commitment to craft, citing increased quality and attention to detail, a price hike of this magnitude seems unjustifiable. In this case, demand for the Hop has likely continued to grow since its launch a year ago, but at what point do consumers simply say, enough is enough?
Designers often adjust prices following a bag’s initial launch, but a 26% increase feels extreme and leaves handbag lovers on edge. If we don’t buy the bag when it’s love at first sight, will we eventually be priced out?
I just do not believe that overhead and materials increase at this rate. I believe they are taking advantage in a big way! With that said the only way the price hikes will stop or crazy as it sounds decrease would be for us to stop purchasing. Ugh, if only I could stop purchasing!😂
They improved the teen jodie with this bag
the teen jodie was/is great but NOT SHOULDER FRIENDLY
THE knot is a nice touch and this bag should’ve been done better
Pricing of luxury items are not connected to actual producing and distributing costs. We all know this.
I have. I love the Bottega Andiamo but I just won’t pay $4K for it.
Same here! I’ve been eyeing the Andiamo but the price is just way too high for me to even consider it.
Totally agree with you!
Let’s be honest, BV went downhill as soon as Tomas Maier left. The bags now use inferior materials and linings. The sewing is not nearly as meticulously done as it used to be. The price is astronomically high for what you get. IMHO, The Hop bag is a sad dupe of the much nicer discontinued Veneta. I’d get a pre-loved Tomas Maier era bag in every case.
I have been working for Bottega Venetta since 2006 and this is absolutely wrong. TM era bags are the same quality as the bags today. However, the prices have gone up—and ridiculously so. And I also think that the bags were more appealing back then. I don’t love the styles today.
Agree I got loads of diff size and colours of the older BV shoulder bag, the campana and cabat before Tomas Maier left. The hop doesn’t really stand up to the quality of the older BV shoulder bags. 😩
Most luxury houses would rather sell less bags but at a higher price point. It keeps the brand valuable and creates a sense of perceived exclusivity. And, overall, brands are excellent at striking the right balance. They have entire teams dedicated to pricing. When most people think the prices are too high or outrageous, they are doing it right!
I never liked the Hop bag, to me it is an ugly version of the Jodie bag. To me Bottega has lost its magic since Daniel Lee left.
Some things are just not worth what is being asked for them. Many of these houses are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. I don’t fall for FOMO anymore.
The thing is, there will always be people that can afford these bags no matter how expensive they are.
Yes, but even we have limits. (Most of us, at least.)
Sorry, not impressed nearly enough to buy. Esp when I can buy this BV bag in beautiful condition for just under half the price: https://www.labellov.com/bottega-veneta-black-top-handle-ll12687-14
I like the Hop except for the pointed corners. To me, that just begs corner wear. I still love the original Intrecciato Hobo they did for years and wish they’d bring it back. And no pointy corners.
BV has always been expensive, but the leather and craftmanship have been exceptional. The prices now are ridiculous. Quality is good but not as it once was.
I will stick to the ones I have from the time when BV was a typical «if you know you know» brand. They are still immaculate.