Easily one of the most polarizing topics in the handbag world, logos elicits some seriously strong opinions. Most people either love them—or loathe them. Whether you avoid them like the plague, fill your closet with them, or admire them from afar, nearly every major designer has a logo bag in its lineup.
Many brand logos are rooted in House history, giving a logo the power to feel both timeless and modern while also offering a vintage appeal. A logo bag is an eye-catching statement maker, and while the capacity to which I integrate them into my wardrobe varies, my love for logos dates back as long as my love for handbags.
The Summer of Monogram
This summer my logo love has peaked once again, and I’ve been favoring a few of my logo bags the last month or so, alongside my most-used bag: a white Prada Cleo. The propensity to which I use my logo bags definitely ebbs and flows. Some years or seasons I can’t get enough, and other times they take a backseat.
This summer, I find myself drawn to my logo bags once again, and I love the feeling of nostalgia that they bring—whether new or old. Part of the reason why I fell in love with fashion was the stories and history that lie within each brand, and a logo holds so much of that story.
I’ve always felt that owning a logo bag is like owning a part of a brand’s rich history, and I stand by this statement. Using my logo bags has offered me a sense of nostalgia for the early days of collecting and falling in love with fashion (and handbags), and I have my Gucci Luce to thank for that.
After being gifted the Luce earlier this year, it became a go-to in my collection. It came with me on my birthday trip to Paris and seamlessly integrated into my wardrobe while reminding me to give my other logo bags some love.
Which bags are you favoring this summer?
I agree about the logo bags. They represent the well established and respected fashion houses. We spent plenty of money on them and should not feel uneasy or be shamed to carry.
I completely agree!
My LV Speedy, Dior tote, and my Gucci pouch. They are over the top and I love them.
LV Speedy, yes! I need to add mine to the mix!
Oh, I like the Gucci Luce a lot! Headed to the Gucci site to look at it closer.
I love how it looks worn with an all white/beige look!
The cleo is gorgeous but the rest look like they belong in a thrift shop
The Dior does – it is 20 years old! Still love it though 🙂
I’m not a Logo fan yet I still ended up with two logo bags, LV Cite and Fendi Zucca Tote. They are fabulous!
The Cite is so good! It’s been on my radar too.
Logo is so fun! I still remember my first black and white coach logo bag and matching wallet I bought when I got my first big pay raise back in 2001, I wore them to death! Now I rotate every week or so because I have so many bags, back then it was one and done until I wore them out- I used to be such a practical girl! But now I found lots of bags and my people here. 🙂
I recently bought the gucci ophidia belt bag that I wear cross body and I’m obsessed, they really go with everything and look casual chic.