Before I get your hopes up too much: no, you still can’t buy Chanel bags online. The company has been talking about the possibility for years and making small moves to make it possible in recent seasons, but you still can’t. For the second season in a row, though, Chanel has chosen to list some of its new bags at Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus, teasing the possibility of clicking “add to bag” without actually letting you do it.
The two retailers, which share a corporate parent company, feature overlapping but slightly different selections from the Chanel Cruise 2018 collection, and all the bags offered were first seen in the brand’s seasonal lookbook (which you can see in its entirety here). The selection does give us a little bit of information that was left out of the lookbook, though: namely, prices for a handful of the collection’s most expensive pieces, including a Boy Bag and a Classic Flap.
Although this isn’t e-commerce (if you see something you like, you’ll have to call to inquire), it certainly suggests a continued interested from Chanel in reaching shoppers through traditional online retail channels. If I had to guess, I’d say we’ll be seeing online sales from the brand in the next couple seasons.