For the last few years, mini and micro bags have ruled the handbag kingdom. As a self-proclaimed big bag lover, I have been fascinated as to how handbags got smaller and smaller. How do people carry around their essentials in a bag that looks like it could fit a piece of gum at most? I must admit I never found out firsthand, as the micro trend was one that I skipped. Knowing that fashion is cyclical, I’ve been waiting for big bags to make their way back to the forefront, and I am happy to declare that I believe that time has come.
Browsing my usual handbag haunts online, I noticed that there are more big bags than micro or mini bags—oh how the tides have turned! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been loving and wearing big bags through the micro and mini bag’s reign, but I am thrilled to see big bags making such a comeback. Micro and mini bags are still present, but they’re no longer taking over my screen as I shop online for bags I do not need (but desperately want anyway).
I’ve rounded up my favorite large bags for fall, and get excited big bag lovers because there are so many good picks. I can’t remember this large of a big bag selection in years, and I am personally thrilled about it! The best part? We’ve got options at all price points! Check them out below.
See, while I have both larger bags and mini bags (no micro though I’m not a moron), I love bags like the Bottega mini Jodie because it’s that perfect in between size that can fit all your essentials, but at the same time not large so you don’t hurt your neck/shoulder. I love my larger bags but it’s he reality is I rlly don’t have to carry all that much on the daily, so it’s just heavy for nothing almost. Unless your a mom I think the smaller “in between” bags are gonna be here to stay because they’re so practical for an easy grab-and-go situation.
I agree as well! I have some mini bags like the Bottega pouch…didn’t want to commit on the big pouch if it was just a fad. It wasn’t, LOL! But agree with your entire comment. 🙂
I agree with you! I think as long as we don’t go to far into the extreme of a trend, most fashion items wouldn’t look dated when the trend is over
I love that all saints hobo!
I love big bags and I cannot lie. I love ALL bags, truly, but here’s what I do sometimes. Sometimes I put only a few things in a bigger bag. Especially bags that only have top handles like my Celine Luggages in micro size (middle). It feels a little funny, but they get so heavy if you fill them.
Well, my money will be safe for now. I carry a tote to work along with my everyday bag. It’s my only tote and used exclusively for work. I’ve just never been a big bag person.
Yay, I’m quite happy bigger bags are back! That tweed YSL Loulou honestly made my heart beat faster, haha!
xx Janine
Will bigger wallets make a comeback then?
Did they ever go way? Not for me. 😉