Exotic handbags are the ultimate way to make a handbag statement. Whether you are carrying a genuine exotic or a leather embossed exotic, your handbag is sure to stand out when donning this style. I will be the first to admit that I have admired exotic bags from afar but have yet to take the plunge and purchase one of my own. I’ve had my eye on a croc-embossed bag for years, and my search continues on.
As one does, I recently was browsing for a new handbag and came across a beautiful Sac de Jour from Saint Laurent. I love their exotic embossed leathers and was on the hunt for one when I came across a beautiful dusty pink calfskin leather bag with python-embossed handles and crossbody strap. I must admit I had considered exotic bags an all-or-nothing deal. The idea of exotic accents adorning a handbag had not crossed my mind before (short-sighted, I know!).
I became enamored with this particular Saint Laurent bag and its exotic accents. As my obsession grew, I sent the bag to my mom only to be met with an “eh, it’s a little busy” text. I know fashion is subjective, but I was genuinely shocked my mom didn’t love the bag as much as I did, especially since we have very similar handbag tastes. Upon further conversation, my mom deemed the accents distracting from the dusty pink hue of the bag and said it would have been better had it been all python-embossed or all dusty pink calfskin.
We had to agree to disagree, as I still love the accent look. So that leads me to the question, do you love an exotic accent, or would you rather leave it?
Love it. I like the texture and the fact that the colors don’t match. I wouldn’t carry a bag that was completely done in exotic skins, but I do like the touches.
I do like the exotic accents, but I think it suits better on darker colored purses as opposed to the lighter ones. If the bag you were eyeing is the same dark shade as the one on the cover or a black or a dark brown, I’d have gladly advocated them, but I think it sort of loses prominence in the one shown below.
Ive always wanted one. Particularly the lady dior sea green color with the leopard skin accent on the side and gray handles.
Love it if done correctly. Exotics are rather bold and too easily become the dominating feature like in the one you posted. I prefer them when they’re more subtle.
love it. love the pic in this post especially. But also, i love moderate color blocking in general. Here, the exotic accents really make the bag pop.
I love the Hermes touch series with a splash of exotic so that it is elegant but not ostentatious. I’m not too sure about the colours on this one though but it definitely is special.