Lanvin    Shoulder Bags

Lanvin Calisson Woven Satin Bag

I find myself often thinking about whether or not a non-leather bag can be worth big bucks. I’ve come to varying conclusions – if it’s covered in Swarovski, then maybe. If it’s entirely handmade, maybe. If it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, maybe. And despite the fact that I really like the Lanvin Calisson Woven Satin Bag, I don’t think I could pay $2600 for something made of such a delicate fabric.

Lanvin Calison Woven Satin Bag

In this case, I think the large size of the bag makes me even less likely to pay the big bucks – a big bag is an even bigger liability in a material that’s that likely to be damaged. It’s too big to be coddled and saved for special occasions, and an everyday bag needs to be durable and usable. Satin is the wrong material on the wrong bag in this case, and if it was soft, woven lamb leather instead, I’d be here telling you how brilliant it is. Buy through Net-a-Porter for $2630.


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