The demand for handbags only continues to grow and when it comes to tracking down some of the most sought-after bags on the market, there is a new avenue for you. While you may know Sotheby’s for its impressive fine art, jewelry, and collectibles auctions, it also offers designer handbags. The best part is you don’t have to wait for an auction to find your next bag.
While you will find rare and exotic handbags in their global handbag auctions, Sotheby’s recently launched a marketplace where handbags are available to purchase immediately. The hunt for that specific bag you have always wanted or that sold out before you could buy one for yourself many times turns into a long process afterward. And this process starts with the obsessing (we’ve all been there) and leads to the search. And in the world of bags, we all know the stress of finding not only the right bag but also a bag that you know is in the stated condition and authentic. Plus, you don’t want to wait, you want to find that bag right at that moment and purchase it then and there. Enter Sotheby’s Buy Now Marketplace.
The assortment available includes leather and exotic Hermès, modern and vintage Chanel, and limited edition and classic Louis Vuitton handbags. Other bags from our favorite designers including Dior, Goyard, and Gucci can be found as well. Expect to find the most sought-after styles, colors, and materials from only the top designer brands.
The Sotheby’s handbag and accessories team has experience from the top resellers and intentionally wanted to create a better online shopping experience of only the best designer bags. Most importantly you can feel confident in the condition since they only accept bags that are new, like new, or excellent condition, and the same goes for vintage bags as they are in excellent vintage condition. You won’t find a bag with unknown or unwanted wear, as anything with stains, obvious marks and wear on corners, and deep scratching on hardware is not accepted. The majority of the bags are from the past five years and most are sold out in stores. As Sotheby’s caters to a global clientele, they also offer global shipping. So if you see a bag you want, it can be yours, no matter where you live.
As for the bags, well there are a lot, and they are great. New bags are listed weekly so check back often. We worked with the Sotheby’s team to highlight some of the standouts, from a group of Chanel bags to must-have Minis to rare Exotics to Balenciaga and Gucci’s Hacker Project to collectible Louis Vuitton bags (including some by the late Virgil Abloh). There is a bag for everyone, and you can find everything from that handbag starter to a limited edition rarity, all available for purchase right now.
Ok, I get it for some rare and hard to find bags. But a nylon LV Multi Pochette for 3969€ that’s available in store right now here in France for 1900€… Let me think…
And they have 8 available! And many more bags from the current collection. So basically, they help resellers doing their business?
Ridiculously priced!
I just purchased a Chanel from Sothebys. I thought I was getting a fantastic deal considering the high price in the boutiques right now. The bag is beautiful, a jumbo classic flap. I paid $6,800 and am sure I will get many more years worth of wear. Then my daughters can fight over it LOL
Nice I like them all