
Purse Blog got a Makeover!

As you all can see, our beloved Purse Blog got an uplift, tuck under, add some pout, makeover! This has been over a month in the making and Vlad and I still have some tweaking and additions to go- but we are very happy with the results. A huge thanks to Bruno, Marcelo, and their design crew for the awesome design work!

For over a year and a half (we are coming up on tPB 2 year anniversary soon!!) this site has been up and running and continually growing. Without Vlad, the genius computer science engineer, this site would not work, but without me- there would be no true love of bags, so this site would not be here!

We hope you all enjoy The Purse Blog and are gearing up for a great Holiday season!! Vlad and I are feeling another give away soon, so stay tuned for an after-Holiday Extravaganza!!!!

Lots of fashion love,

Megs & Vlad


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