Instagram’s Handbag Celebrities: @upcloseandstylish

What we’ve always found true on PurseForum has once again proved itself true on Instagram: people love to share their accessories acquisitions with people who appreciate them. In our new series, Instagram’s Handbag Celebrities, we’ll bring you close-up looks at the women who are doing that in the most hypnotic fashion on the popular photo-sharing platform. For our first installment, we went with one of the best: @upcloseandstylish.

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Just Can’t Get Enough: Taylor Swift Loves Her Dolce & Gabbana Sara Bag

Generally, stars vary their day-to-day handbag choices quite a lot. Not only does the average celebrity have plenty of money to buy whichever bag she might desire, but most are also regularly sent the Next Big Thing by brands with which they have existing relationships. Not only does it help the brands subtly promote their products, but it gives stars new things to be photographed with every time they leave their houses. Sometimes, though, a star loves a bag so much that it becomes a constant companion, and that appears to be the case with Taylor Swift and her Dolce & Gabbana Sara Bag.

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Check Out Which Bags Celebs Carried at Coachella 2014

Coachella is a unique event. Not only is it the only rich-hippie desert concert weekend that I know of, but it’s a rare opportunity to spot celebrities mingling among mere mortals with relatively little security or separation. That also means it’s an opportunity for handbag-spotting, and although some celebs opt to leave their expensive accessories … Read more

Shopping Las Vegas

PurseBlog Asks: Which Handbag Brands Would You Never Carry?

One of my favorite aspects of PurseBlog is the comments readers leave for us. It doesn’t mean I always agree, but I love to hear what people have to say about handbags, and many of our commenters are quite thought-provoking. One subject that tends to come up on different posts, time and time again, is brands that people say they would never carry for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s about the price, where the bags are made, the people who typically carry the bags – the list goes on.

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Man Bag Monday: Givenchy Floral Backpack

We’ve talked previously about menswear’s recent, vibrant facelift, especially when it comes to the accessory market’s various printed and patterned bags. Designers have gone beyond the traditional stripes and plaids that are often associated with menswear, and these new choices indicate an edgier and more androgynous approach. To continue with this list, we have the … Read more

PurseForum Roundup – April 11

Friday! Thank goodness. It did not come a moment too early this week. Welcome to the PurseForum Roundup, PurseBlog’s weekly romp through the PurseForum to bring you bits and bobs from the conversations filling its halls. This week, we visited some Contemporary Designers to see what our members have been buying and took a stroll through the … Read more