
Donna Karan Metallic East West Tote

I don’t think I was a particularly dramatic teenager, as far as teenagers go (feel free to correct me in the comments, mom). I didn’t drink. I didn’t smoke. I didn’t sneak out to see boys. I was captain of the debate team. But you know what I did just now, at 23 years of age? I totally just did the dramatic teenage sigh-and-eye-roll when I saw the Donna Karan Metallic East West Tote. Why? Because it’s terrible and they want to charge everyone over a thousand dollars to have it.

Donna Karan Metallic East West Tote

The proportions are bad – really bad. You could possibly carry a very small, rolled-up yoga mat in it. What we have here is a ton of width with no depth to balance it. And the outside of the bag is just kinda plain. It’s lambskin, so that’s a plus, but there’s no visual interest at all. The way the handles are attached is boring, it has a little tag hanging from it, and it has two seams. Aaaaand…that’s it. I fail to see why it merits a price tag upwards of a grand, particularly since Donna Karan isn’t exactly an icon in the handbag marketplace and probably can’t rely on a gaggle of super devoted fans that will buy any bag she puts out. So unless you have a super tiny yoga mat that needs toting, I wouldn’t recommend this particular purse. Buy through Saks for $1095.


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