I always like to hear about other people’s purchases because I enjoy hearing first-hand accounts of what someone buys and loves. Thanks to technology and analytics, we can see the bags and accessories you all have been loving the most lately. I thought many of you would be intrigued to see the items fellow PurseBlog and PurseForum members purchased most last month. There was a lot of love for Gucci’s classic pieces, Bottega bags and accessories, Coach bags (especially the Madison Shoulder Bag), and Saint Laurent Bags (specifically, when Neiman Marcus is selling them).
Here is a breakdown of the items we saw most purchased in the past month, and if this isn’t what you bought, share what you have been loving lately!
A Lot of Gucci
As much as Gucci gives us the wild in ornate details on otherwise ordinary bags, the classics are often still what people are opting for. The Gucci Diana is my favorite, and you can’t go wrong with the new sleek Gucci Blondie Bag, either. It is the perfect mix of vintage meets new, which is something Gucci does so well.
Classic BV
While we see a lot of bags being purchased, many times, people care a lot about the accessories that pair with our bags, from card cases to phone holders, and I love every single option I saw people going for when it came to Bottega Veneta.
The Classic Black Bags
While seasonal pieces are still being researched, a black bag is a must, and we always see a lot of cool black bags being purchased.
Would be nice to see a Bags of TPF…we havent had one of those in a while.
Loved seeing what everyone on the forum was using.