Marc by Marc Jacobs Patent Wheely

It’s rare that I take a vacation. Unfortunately, I wasn’t raised a traveler, and although I enjoy it, it’s rare that I actually DO it without a specific reason – someone to go see, something to attend, general fabulousness to spread. As it turns out, I have someone to go see in November, and I … Read more

Interview with Kara Ross

Recently, we had the chance to sit down with New York-based designer Kara Ross, discover her collection of exotics and learn more about her background, knowledge and motivation. Enjoy! Click here to read the full interview!

Introducing Handbags by Camila Alves

I’m going to be honest here, I don’t think I ever heard the name Camila Alves until she started dating Matthew McConaughey. So, when Megs recently mentioned that Alves has her own line of handbags, I was instantly intrigued. Thankfully, the internet makes information gathering so easy (really, what would we do with out it?!?!?!) … Read more

Rebecca Minkoff Nikki Hobo

Rebecca Minkoff Nikki Hobo A hobo is the perfect shape for me. I suppose I sound like a broken record to you all, but I absolutely love a slouchy hobo. In fact, when I see what the girls in Hollywood are wearing and what bags they are carrying I would fit right in. I rarely … Read more

Review: Gerard Darel 24h Utah Python Bag

The new kid on the handbag block is fitting in perfectly, being highly sought after and not as widely available in the US as we (by that I mostly mean me) would like. Gerard Darel Bags are not new by any means, but their popularity in the US is blowing up. On my last trip to Spain, I was on a hunt for a Gerard Darel Bag. I left empty handed. But my yearning for this brand has not ceased and after getting a shipment of Gerard Darel Bags to review, I am hooked.

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Ask Megs: $2k for a work and day bag

Hi Megs,
So I’ve saved and can now treat myself to an ‘IT’ bag. Not enough for an exotic but enough for something around $2000. Given that this will have to be it until I get my next savings together, what would you recommend? I want it to be something that I can carry in jeans as well as in a suit to work. My wardrobe is mostly dark colors, OK black, it’s mostly black. And ideally, I’d like to be able to get at least a mobile, a magazine, a small water bottle, and a wallet in there. So what would be a good bag for me to invest in? Thanks!


It is great to hear that you have saved up and are ready to splurge. With $2,000 you can buy an amazing bag (or even two amazing bags!). Since you want this handbag to be roomy for work yet wearable with jeans during the day, I would opt for a tote. I find that even if you say you only want to put a few things into a work bag, you always end up wanting to carry more. This is why the best work bag option to me is a tote, a great carry-all bag. The beauty of a larger bag is that it can still be trendy and fashionable enough to wear during the day.

But I have a different suggestion for you, go for two bags! Who is to say you can not get an exotic with $2000? I am telling you right now, you can get a beyond amazing exotic handbag deal and a more “it” brand bag, all for right about $2,000. Let me tell you my picks!

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Discus Necklace

I don’t know about the rest of you ladies, but I sure do love a compliment. Maybe it’s a tad narcissistic of me, but I just love being told how awesome I am by others. People I know, complete strangers, it doesn’t matter. Compliments will, in fact, get you everywhere with me. I’m easy that … Read more