Yes my dearest readers, it’s been quiet around here in the past week. I know it’s not really a valid excuse, but we’ve been swamped with offline responsibilities up the wazoo, sadly it’s been the blog suffering with a lack of updates. Last Wednesday I finally returned to the US after 1 1/2 years of studying abroad in Germany, and I’ve been on the hunt for an apartment ever since. I also got a new MacBook Pro, a new cell phone, had to take care of lots of appointments regarding my immigration status… things have been crazy. Megs is heading to NYC for a job interview tomorrow, so I’ve also been helping her with misc. errands that had to be taken care of prior to her departure.

Fortunately, once Megs leaves tomorrow night, I’ll have some time to catch up with you all and introduce some new, exciting changes to the blog. I’ve been playing with a redesign for quite some time now, the finishing touches are in the making and the new design should go live around Thursday. Sorry again for the slow days, we’ll be back to normal sailing once the storm sets.

In the meantime, you can always stop by our forum and engage in discussions with our members, make new friends or learn about the hottest bags, fashion dos and don’ts or rag on celebrities. But be warned – some say tPF is more addicting than crack. 😉


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