The 2000s were a great time for handbag lovers. It was the height of the It-bag era, and designers were churning out handbag hit after handbag hit. And when it comes to bags from that time that have reached ultimate icon status, there’s one that instantly comes to mind. The Balenciaga City.
Few bags hold IT status, like the original Balenciaga Le City Bag, first launched in 2001 by Nicholas Ghesquiere. Balenciaga celebrates its return this season in a new campaign conceptualized and lensed by creative duo Inez & Vinoodh.
A 2000s Icon is Back
Dipping into the archives to bring back a 2000s classic in all of its glory, the 2024 Le City is crafted from Arena leather. It utilizes a variety of stylistic elements that were integral to 2000s fashion. Think original studding, laced zipper pulls, plus lacquered leather handles and straps.
The images call upon Miss Kim K herself, who was recently announced as the House’s latest brand ambassador. Kim Kardashian stars in the images alongside model Paloma Elsesser, stylist Patricia Field and more. Each individual is photographed in large spaces designed to look like the person’s closet, filled with their own items—all Balenciaga, of course.
The campaign is meant to celebrate the return of the original Le City, but other brand signatures like the Hourglass and the Le Cagole are also shown.
This bag has been beaten to death already. You would be better off talking about the givenchy Antigone at this point, atleast it is better quality and not scandalous. And many people have not forgotten what balenciaga did. Not really the type for cancel culture but kids are off limits. Many other bags could have been talked about & taken up space.
But then those people cherry pick. Two examples.
Cancel Balenciaga, still shop at YSL.
Kering owns both.
“Save our children”
Wears fast fashion.
Who do you think is sewing those Zara and SHEIN garments?
🙄 please.
Top tip.
Go outside, take a deep breath, touch some grass.
Please stop!
It looks very similar to the original …have to see it IRL.
I think that’s the point
think Kimmie will give up her Birkins? ha ha right.
What a beautiful bag! I can’t wait for them to be released!
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