Since most affluent women spend most of their waking hours Monday through Friday either at a job or going to or from a job, you’d think it’d be easier to find attractive, subtle, neutral, functional work bags that can accommodate a laptop. I thought that too! I was wrong–the pickings out there are somewhat slim if you need to be shuttling a computer back and forth with you and you want something with more structure and detail than a simple, open leather tote. I like a challenge, though.
Using the measurements of the current-model 13″ MacBook Pro as my guide, I set out to find as many lovely bags as possible that will get you to and from work with ease. That means I also only chose options that can be shoulder-carried in some way, too–who wants a laptop hanging off the crook of their arm? Because many offices still think of professionalism in terms of neutral colors and an absence of logos, I also looked only for bags that fit those parameters. Check out the results below.