PurseBlog Asks

What’s Your Handbag Ick?

I really, really want to like this popular style, but it always falls short for me...

We’ve all heard about the relationship ick, a term largely popularized in the last few years on social media. It’s a simple concept, really, and often comes at random, making someone (or something as we’re about to discuss) you were once really into no longer of interest to you. The Ick can apply to fashion as well (looking at you, skinny jeans), and today we’re here to talk about getting the handbag ick, all in good fun, of course!

Let’s get into it!

When it comes to bags, I’m really not one to discriminate. My collection is full of bags from various designers, shapes, and colors. I’m not very methodical in my shopping patterns. I see it, I like it, I want it, I buy it. It’s really fairly simple for me. For the most part. But, like most of us, I do have one thing, or rather, one specific silhouette that lately has been giving me the ick.

Bucket bags…or…bust?

As much as I want to love bucket bags, they simply turn me off, no matter what the brand. I really want to like them, but something about the silhouette of a bucket bag continues to fall short for me. Even when I’m drawn toward one, I always opt for another silhouette over a bucket bag, and I’m not even sure I can pinpoint exactly why; they just give me the ick. *Shrugs*

Maybe it’s the drawstring closure that often accompanies them that I find cumbersome, or maybe it’s that I often find the way a bucket bag closes and cinches to be a bit messy. Either way, I’ve yet to find a bucket bag that does it for me, and I’ll definitely not fall victim to buying another one anytime soon.

What Gives You the Handbag Ick?


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