PurseBlog Asks

Is Purse Peace Possible?

I have thoughts...

Purse peace. As collectors, we’ve heard the term. We’ve discussed the term. Some of us have even claimed to have reached the elusiveness of purse peace. But is purse peace actually possible?

Let’s talk.

The ideology behind purse peace is a feeling of contentment and being “at peace” with your collection. This can be further characterized by the idea that no new releases or bags that are currently on the market tempt you enough to want to make a purchase in the near (or far) future. And while I do think it’s possible to come to a place of purse peace, I believe the idea is fleeting and unrealistic in the long term.

Here’s why.

The multi-billion dollar luxury fashion industry is designed for you to do anything and everything but reach purse peace. Luxury brands release hundreds of new bags each year with million-dollar advertising and marketing budgets that are designed to tug at a consumer’s core; it’s hard to ignore all the ‘noise,’ even when you do find yourself sitting pretty with your holy grail and satisfied with your current collection.

I personally believe it’s next to impossible to come to a place of true forever purse peace. I believe it’s possible to “retire” from collecting and/or vow not to make any new purchases. Still, I believe the notion of finding forever purse peace to be largely an unrealistic ideology. I think that how content you are with your collection is more of a spectrum—it will ebb and flow, but I think the elusive idea of purse peace is just that, difficult to track down.

What do you think?


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