Etro Vinyl Bag

The world is round. What Galileo found out in the 1600s sure was revolutional and brought him into lots of troubles with state and church. The bag is round. What *I* found out this morning ain’t that revolutional at all, but sure makes me wonder what the Etro designers were thinking when they thought out this orange vinyl creation. The bag may easily be mistreated for shooing hoops at the local court. Maybe an hommage to the retired #23? Or used as a bowling ball warmer? No clue. Aside from that, I don’t even know how you’re supposed to carry that thing around? Perhaps the folded flap on its front serves as a handle? Someone enlighten me. For a price of $312, this bag is way too impractical. But you can shoot great 3-pointers with it, I am sure.


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