Blog Debates

Debate: Sex and the City

sex and the city
Sex and the City movie poster

In about one hour masses of people will be sitting down to watch the most highly talked about movie of the summer, Sex and the City. But is this movie worth the hype? To be honest, I would not want to be in their place, nor the producers place, nor the wardrobes place, nor anyone affiliated with the movie’s place. When something is chalked up to be something so incredible, the expectations are set high (many times unattainably high). Don’t get me wrong, I am of course going to see the movie and of course incredibly excited. But I feel like some early reviews have only been mediocre, and even if the movie is great, it is going to be hard to fill the shoes that have been built for it. I will probably go see the movie Monday, which will still be crazy, but not as crazy as tonight at midnight. Really, I am excited for a fun plot and great outfits (and of course the glorious bags!!). Which of you are already in the long line waiting to get in? Which of you are so excited you can hardly stand it? And which of you think it is over-hyped?


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